
This website gives an overview of the Provident Financial Staff Pension Scheme.
These pages are not intended to confer any legal rights on you or create any legal rights for you. Rights to benefits are conferred only in accordance with the Scheme Trust Deed and Rules, a copy of which is available on request from the Pensions Team.
The Pensions Team, the Trustees of the Scheme and Vanquis Banking Group accept no responsibility or liability (including liability for negligence) for any loss, damage or inconvenience caused as a result of any error or inaccuracy on this site. It is essential that you check the facts before taking any action in reliance on this information.
Links have been placed on this site to the websites of external organisations to help users find out more about pensions generally. However, the Pensions Team, the Trustees of the Scheme, and Vanquis Banking Group do not support or endorse the views of those external organisations.