About the Scheme

How the Scheme has changed
The Provident Financial Staff Pension Scheme is a closed Final Salary scheme
We closed the Scheme to new entrants from 31 December 2002. This means that the latest you could have joined was 1 April 2003.
The VBG Retirement Plan (formerly PFG Retirement Plan) was then introduced from 1 May 2003 to replace the Final Salary element. This is provided by Legal & General.
Read more about how your Scheme pension works
If you left the Scheme...
Before 1 April 2006
You will only have a Final Salary benefit in the Scheme.
After 1 April 2006
You may have both Cash Balance and Final Salary elements within the Scheme.
Scheme history
The Scheme was established in 1959 and has adapted to many changes in legislation over the years.
It may interest you to know that not all members of staff were eligible to join the Scheme in the early years.
Prior to 1978 entry to the Scheme was only possible on 1 June each year, if you were over 25 and had been employed for at least 12 months. Part-time employees were excluded from joining altogether.
Some of the more significant Scheme changes have occurred since 2000…