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Our advisers

Why we get advice

The Trustees work with a range of advisers to ensure that the Scheme is:

  • Run well
  • In line with the Trust Deed and Rules
  • In accordance with pensions law and regulations.

The advisers specialise in specific areas and add value in different ways which is why the Trustees will often work with a number of advisers at any one time. Which adviser they work with will depend on what kind of expert assistance is needed.

Our advisers

Type of adviser
What they do


Willis Towers Watson

They advise the Trustees on various financial issues such as contribution and funding levels, and ensuring the Scheme meets its liabilities.


Crowe UK LLP

They check the Scheme’s annual accounts to confirm they are accurate and comply with regulations.


Barclays Bank PLC

They hold the accounts for the Trustees which are used for all of the Scheme’s transactions.


Herbert Smith LLP

They produce various Scheme documents such as the Trust Deed and Rules, and provide legal advice to the Trustees.



They advise the Trustees on investments and make recommendations.

Investment managers

Legal & General Assurance (Pensions Management) Limited

PIMCO Global Advisers (Ireland) Limited

Insight Investment Management (Global) Limited

Robeco Institutional Asset Management

Aon Solutions UK Limited

They look after the Scheme’s investments.