Change of circumstances

On this page:
Your Expression of Wish form If you get married, divorced or have children If you change home address If you change bankYour Expression of Wish form
Whatever your change of circumstance, it's important to make sure your Expression of Wish form (Also available as a Word document) is kept up to date and reflects your current circumstances. If you're retired and have been receiving your pension for more than five years, there is no lump sum payable and there is no need to update your Expression of Wish form.
The Trustees use this form to help decide who will receive any lump sum death benefits your loved ones are entitled to in the event of your death.
While the form isn't legally binding, it plays a crucial part in the Trustees' decision-making process. If your form isn't up-to-date, this could delay the payment of any lump sum death benefits or they could be paid in a way that isn't in line with your wishes.
If you get married, divorced or have children
If you get married, divorced or have children you should review your Expression of Wish form (Also available as a Word document) and check that it is up-to-date.
Your pension is a financial asset and so the Courts may take pension benefits into account when settling divorce cases. They may require an up-to-date calculation of the transfer value of your pension benefits which is available on request from the Pensions Team. Please be aware that fees will be incurred for providing this information.
You can also contact the Pensions Team for more general information on how divorce can impact pensions.
If you change home address
It’s important that you keep your home address details up to date so that we can contact you. You can complete a Change of address form (Also available as a Word document) and send it to the Pensions Team.
If you change bank
We need to ensure we have the correct sort code and bank account number so that we can pay your pension on time each month. You can complete a Change of bank details form (Also available as a Word document) and send it to the Pensions Team.